The Ambler Arboretum is hosting its popular Introduction to Beekeeping non-credit course on Saturday, January 25 and Sunday, January 26, and Saturday, March 22 and Sunday, March 23. Register online here.
This course will inform potential beekeepers of the joys and responsibilities of successful beekeeping. Honeybees have pests and diseases that will kill them without the beekeeper’s help. During the first weekend, you’ll learn about apiary location requirements, how to obtain bees, essential equipment as well as important aspects of honeybee biology. This early start allows you to choose and order your beehive and bees at a time when they are readily available.
During the second weekend, closer to the time that you will obtain your bees, we will discuss how to start and care for your new bee colony. Additional topics include seasonal management, important sources of nectar and pollen, honey production and harvesting. We will practice handling bees using bees located at the Ambler Campus.