The ASLA consists of students actively involved in the Landscape Architecture major concerned about bettering their campus, community and environment. Meetings focus on current issues, competitions and planning various activities. Guest speakers often participate. Meetings are held in the Woman’s National Farm & Garden Visitor’s Center.
On Friday, March 22nd, Temple's Student ASLA Chapter will be hosting an Indigenous Potluck lunch at Temple Ambler Campus in The Visitor's Center from 12:50 - 2:00pm! The idea is to encourage us all to experience, first-hand, the ingredients that our native ecosystems provide.
ASLA asks that each attendee simply bring one dish that incorporates at least one native American ingredient. This could be as simple as substituting a native ingredient, such as wild rice flour or persimmon, into a recipe you already love or attempting a completely new recipe.
Here is a link to a spreadsheet where you can identify what you will be bringing (and so we can plan for how many people we'll be hosting):
ASLA will provide beverages. Faculty & Staff are encouraged to participate.