Feb. 4: Gallery of Art opening
(TUR Gallery of Art)
"Dreams From My Father"
Artist: Kimmah Dennis
Opening: Feb. 4, 2025
6:00-8:00 PM
On display through February 27
Feb. 10: Film Screening
(TUR Cinema Room)
6:00 PM
"Sheikh" (documentary)
A first-time screening of a documentary following the story of ‘Sheikh’, a man from West Africa and his journey across continents to find a better life in Europe.
Feb. 17: Round Table - Artists and Their Work
(TUR Gallery of Art)
6:00 PM
Students are invited to attend a round table discussion on Black Resilience from speakers such as: Kimmah Dennis, Gordon Abeiku, Sheikh (the protagonist from the prior weeks screening), as well as representatives from QuestaeRoma.org: Denise Kongo & Kwanza MusiDos Santos.
Kimmah Dennis (Artist)
Gordon Abeiku
Sheikh (Documentary - film screening)
QuestaeRoma.org* - Denise Kongo (representative)
QuestaeRoma.org* - Kwanza Musi Dos Santos (representative)
* cultural non-profit association whose mission is to marginalize every form of discrimination through art and culture