At this hands-on workshop we will learn how to use a variety of video equipment that sits somewhere within the spectrum of cheap, obsolete, and accessible for the purposes of real time generative video synthesis. We will primarily be engaged in guided hands-on exploration of the equipment with a couple odd breaks for discussion on the topics of
- the history of video art scenes as an example of creativity driven by obsolescence cycles
- applied nonlinear dynamics and generative art
- the vagaries of analog and digital video signals as inspirations for tools and techniques
- and whatever else the group feels like is super relevant to their current contexts as artists, humans, students, or whatever.
About the Instructor: I'm a video artist, designer of video synthesis tools, and educator in practical real time video art techniques. My approach to video synthesis has always been heavily focused on appropriating minimal and obsolete technology for interesting creative purposes. Low tech is a very relative term, many folks nowadays use this term to apply to stuff that is still quite powerful and complex when viewed in a wider context of time but is classified mostly as trash due to obsolescence cycles and the shifting needs of broadcast media corporations. The main theme of my workshop would be not so much about video synthesis as just about focusing on the idea of using the previous generations trash as tools for creative expression. You can find out more info on various works I've done at