Upcoming Events
Exclusive Admitted Student Event
Join us for a panel discussion focusing on Super Bowl ads. Learn about the creative...
This workshop will introduce QualCoder, a free, open source qualitative data analysis software that can help save time and support many stages of...
Are you a certified AT looking to improve your clinical decision-making, research, leadership, and education skills? Are you interested in...
Zotero is a free citation manager that is an easy-to-use tool to help you collect, organize, cite, and share references and research. Learn how to...
Exclusive Admitted Student Event
Communication and Social Influence
Discover how communication shapes public engagement with our...
This is the second of a series of qualitative research and qualitative data analysis (QDA) workshops featuring QualCoder, a free, open-source...
This information session will cover the five Master of Public Health programs at the College of Public Health, including Applied Biostatistics,...
For the past two years, universities have been grappling with the implications of Chat-GPT and other tools that have put generative AI into the...
Join us for the second annual Occupational Therapy virtual panel featuring distinguished OT alumni as they reflect on how Temple OT has shaped...
Megagames are in person games that combine elements of role playing and board games with more than a dozen players to create a highly interactive...