Have you been thinking about converting your course to zero-cost course materials for your students but are not sure how or where to start? Consider taking advantage of a new resource that can support your transition process. In this session the panelists will introduce the Faculty Peer-to-Peer OER Advisors program and share the types of assistance available from the faculty OER advisors. Working with Temple University librarians, the advisors can identify OER and other zero-cost resources, as well as using their past experience with this process to offer tips and suggestions for a smooth conversion to zero-cost course materials. This workshop will be offered as an online session via Zoom. You must register for this workshop to receive the Zoom link via a confirmation email. On the day of the workshop, use the link to join the session. This workshop will be recorded. Register to attend the live session or to receive a copy of the recording. Contact Steven Bell bells@temple.edu with any questions.