Noting the long history of censorship in the comic book world, this panel will explore the role comics, editorial cartoons, and graphic illustration play in issues of censorship and free speech, as well as the history of censorship of comics in the United States. Paying particularly attention to the use of stereotypes in political cartoons and free speech on college campuses, our panelists will discuss the complexities surrounding these issues.
Moderator: Sandra Suarez, Associate Dean, College of Liberal Arts
Panelists: Signe Wilkinson, editorial cartoonist for | Laura Little, Professor of Law and Government, Temple University and author of forthcoming book, Humor Rules | Jennifer Crute, comic illustrator | Jeanne van Heeswijk, visual artist and curator
This panel is a part of the College of Liberal Arts' Graphic Thinking conference, which will examine important social and political questions through the lens and medium of comics and graphic illustration. At the heart of the conference is the understanding and recogntion of the value of the liberal arts - critical thinking and analysis - in our contemporary world.
Registration is required and will open September 11, 2017