Title: The "REPLICA" project: addressing the replication crisis in tobacco harm reduction studies.
Abstract: The replication crisis has been recognized for more than ten years, but little attention has been given to this problem which risks making much scientific research useless. Replicating a study can be much more difficult than carrying out an original one. The “REPLICA” project is an international effort to replicate published works on tobacco harm reduction studies. This international study is challenging the scientists involved, but it is also creating procedures to minimize the possibility of not being able to replicate a scientific study, in the future. During the seminar, Dr. Caruso will explain the reason for creating the multi-center "REPLICA" project, the challenges the team faces, the results obtained so far and the steps still to be taken.
When: Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM; Room 234, BioLife Sciences Building
Hosts: Dr. Antonio Giordano and Dr. Ang Sun
For more information, please contact 215-204-9521
Refreshments will be served at 12:45 PM outside BLS 234