Join the Temple University School of Pharmacy for Research Recognition Day, our signature annual event in celebration of research done by students, clinicians, and researchers. Go to our event page for more information and to register as a volunteer research evaluator or a non-evaluator guest.
You have the opportunity to explore and evaluate research in clinical pharmacy, translational medicine, drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics, pharmacogenomics, proteomics, formulation development, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology, drug delivery, and more.
Hear our 2024 Keynote Speaker Omar Galárraga, PhD, present "Economic-based Interventions and Policies to Improve Health Outcomes". Dr. Galárraga will draw from past and current research, including NIH-funded R01 projects, "Integrated Community-Based Care for HIV/NCD care and Microfinance in Kenya: A Clustered RCT", "Insurance-Based Monetary Incentives to Promote Regular Exercise: an RCT", and "Rigorous Non-Experimental Evaluation of Medicaid Policies affecting Persons Living with HIV in the US". He is the Director of the Health Services Research PhD Program at Brown University School of Public Health, has authored over 130 scientific papers, and serves as associate editor for "Health Economics".
The Temple University School of Pharmacy gratefully acknowledges Title Sponsors Dan Castiglia and Soo Ham, Pharmacy Class of 1998. Dan, a loyal champion for research at Temple University, has long been a supporter of Research Recognition Day. Dan and Soo represent pharmacy careers in the pharmaceutical industry and community pharmacy, respectively, and are married with two children.