A one-day conference presented by the College of Liberal Arts, Graphic Thinking will examine important social and political questions through the lens and medium of comics and graphic illustration. At the heart of the conference is the understanding and recognition of the value of the liberal arts – critical thinking and analysis – in our contemporary world. The conference will include panel discussions on free speech and censorship, careers in the Liberal Arts, representation and identity, and comic illustration, style, and technique. The conference will also feature historical exhibits by Paley Library Special Collections and the Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection.
Just Art? Free Speech and Censorship in Comics and Graphic Illustration | 9:30-10:50am | Student Center, Room 217
Creative Crossovers: Innovative Careers in the Liberal Arts | 11am-12:20pm | Student Center, Room 223
Back Issues: Graphic (Mis)Representation | 12:30-1:50pm | Student Center, Room 200AB
The Work of Art: Comic Illustrators in Conversation | 2:00-3:20pm | Student Center, Underground
Film Screening of Barefoot Gen and Student Discussion | 3:30-5pm | Student Center, The Reel
Follow the link for more information on each panel and to register: https://events.temple.edu/tags/graphicthinking
The Graphic Underground: Comix, Censorship & Identity and Black Graphic Thinking | Room 223, open from 9:30-3:30pm | Sponsored by the Paley Library Special Collections and curated by JT Waldman
Black Graphic Thinking | Room 223, open from 9:30-3:30pm | Sponsored by the Charles L. Blockson Collection and curated by Dr. Diane Turner and Aslaku Berhanu with assistance from Zachary David Brooks and Serkaddia Alemayehu, Digital Archive Specialist
Registration is required for most panels.
With support from Intellectual Heritage, the Honors Program, General Education Program, Paley Library Special Collections, the Charles L. Blockson Afro-American Collection, Student Activities and Leadership, Department of Political Science, Graphic Media Center.