Upcoming Events

It’s Wednesday, take a little “me” time. Take some time each Wednesday to breathe deeply, connect with nature, and de-stress!
Holly Lynn,...

From Monday, February 17 through Friday, February 21, write your best ideas of random acts of kindness on the chalkboard in the Learning Center...

From Monday, February 17 through Friday, February 21, write your best ideas of random acts of kindness on the chalkboard in the Learning Center...

The College of Education & Human Development Career Fair is for students and alumni seeking full-time and...

Join us in the pool on Friday evenings between 1/17-4/25 (except 2/28, 3/7) from 5-8pm for open swim! We are taking out the lane lines and opening...

Campus Recreation is excited to offer, Net Nights! Join us every Friday night between 1/17-4/25 (minus 2/28, 3/7) from 7-10pm at our 3rd floor Rec...

It's National Tortilla Chip Day (because of course it is)!
Come to the Learning Center Lobby on Monday, February 24, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m...

It’s Wednesday, take a little “me” time. Take some time each Wednesday to breathe deeply, connect with nature, and de-stress!
Holly Lynn,...