A series of webinars about how assistive technology (AT) can change lives by increasing access to employment, social interaction, and everyday life, offered every third Thursday of the month.
The first PA Tech Accelerator series is Assistive Technology Basics.
Topics include: what AT is available, how AT can help with daily living, and where to find AT.
October 17, 2024: Funding and How to Get It
Sign up and learn more about the PA Tech Accelerator
Future topics will include Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Remote Support, Tools for Specific Needs for Employment, Independence and Socialization, and Recreation and Regulation in the Community.
The Institute on Disabilities at Temple University, College of Education and Human Development is partnering with the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs and Office of Long-Term Living, Department of Human Services, and the Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities on a statewide initiative called PA Tech Accelerator.
The goal of the program is to expand the awareness of, and access to, assistive technology (AT), to build capacity of AT users and to measure effectiveness around AT use, access and service across the Commonwealth.