Explore. Discover. Connect. Learn.
Join us for a day of discovery and innovation around technology for independence, accessibility, virtual, and remote solutions.
Date: Thursday, March 6, 2025 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Location: Temple University, Howard Gittis Student Center
Lunch is provided. There is no cost to attend.
Expanding Awareness and Access
Explore sessions to build your knowledge, learn from exhibitors about available technologies, and learn directly from users of these technologies to help you with implementation.
Who's invited? The Summit is for people with disabilities and their families, students, Direct Support Providers and professionals, organizations, policymakers, advocates, and anyone interested in technological supports for people with disabilities.
Both summit locations provide barrier-free entrances, wheelchair-accessible spaces and restrooms, and quiet spaces. Keynote sessions will be live captioned (CART); other sessions will include auto-generated captions. The registration form below may be used to request other accommodations. Please submit requests at least two weeks before your chosen event.
Please email Kristy Crocetto at kristy.crocetto@temple.edu or call 215-204-1356.
About the Pennsylvania Tech Accelerator
The Institute on Disabilities at Temple University, College of Education and Human Development is partnering with the Pennsylvania Office of Developmental Programs and Office of Long-Term Living, Department of Human Services, and the University of Kansas Center on Disabilities' State of the States team on a statewide initiative called PA Tech Accelerator.
The goal of the program is to expand the awareness of, and access to, assistive technology (AT), to build capacity of AT users and to measure effectiveness around AT use, access and service across the Commonwealth.
This project is made possible by Pennsylvania's Department Human Services through funding from the American Rescue Plan Act.