New Voices
with Philadelphia Young Playwrights
October 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st, November 1st , 2nd & 3rd
Randall Theater @ 2020 N. 13th St, Philadelphia, PA.
Temple Theaters continues an over 30-year partnership with the Philadelphia Young Playwrights organization! Once again, Temple student actors are brought together with professional directors to perform a selection of plays created by local, budding, high school aged playwrights (curated from hundreds of submissions). The voices are fresh, raw, and explosive with performances to match!
Tickets are Pay What You Can and available here.
Bill 1 Includes:
River of Tears by Anthony Spady
Mother by Cameron White
The Finale by Norah Sparks
Painted Peppers by Bee Kanofsky
I Want To Be by Brianna Arce
Family Feud by Jasper McIlvain
Bill 2 Includes:
Tea Time and Murder by Isadora Pendygraft
Void of Answers by Zoe Palmer
Renewed by Joya Nath