Office of the Vice President for Research, Temple Libraries, and Temple ITS are hosting Research Resources Day, an in-person event for all faculty, staff and grants administrators using Temple’s Research Resources, on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., at the Charles Library Event Space on the 1st floor.
- Josh Gladden, Vice President for Research, OVPR
- Joe Lucia, Dean of Libraries, Temple Libraries
- Larry Brandolph, Vice President for IT, Temple ITS
Participate in speed networking with resource teams listed below:
- OVPR resources: Pivot, SciENcv, Grants Administration, Research Compliance, Innovation Nest, ERA
- Library resources: Research data management, planning and sharing, LabArchives, ORCID (sign up for an ORCID and enter to win a prize package), TUScholarShare, GIS & mapping, publishing support, qualitative data support, evidence synthesis & systematic reviews service
- ITS resources: Overview of Teams, how to get started, storing data, HIPAA compliance, sharing with external entities
Light refreshments will be provided. Register now, space is limited!
For questions about Research Resources Day, please contact