Two goals of the College's new Strategic Plan are to both increase our production of scholarly products and to increase the dissemination and visibility of our work. While many members of our faculty primarily share their work with their research communities through peer review publications reporting on empirical studies' others are frequent presenters at regional, national, and international professional meetings where they share their expertise via symposium or panel presentations. Those presentations were the original cornerstone of scientific discourse. With the proliferation of academic journals seen in the past few decades, many of the important messages of presentations at professional meetings are forgotten when the meeting ends. One strategy to further disseminate your work to a larger audience is to convert those symposiums and presentations into commentary/review papers for journals in your areas of specialization.
Join David Sarwer and Ross Silverman as they share with you their experiences as authors and journal editors and how to create those papers in a straightforward and efficient manner that can further disseminate your work and enhance your status in your respective disciplines.